My thought for coronavirus (Disaster or Lesson)

Coronavirus pandemic is not only flu but the biggest slap in human civilization. Today people have the technology to go on the planet and beyond, Stop a missile in the air traveling more than the speed of sound. people have more weapon arsenal than PPE, research and facts to stop this pandemic, though people already suffered the three biggest flu in the past. The world we are living in today and the joy we are enjoying in the name of development is the biggest crater which will put ourselves one day and finish the human civilization. So I think this reminder is not only a threat but also a reminder to look back to make the correction.
I remember the line which struck in my mind while reading the book of OSHO.
उपर उपर सब देखे नीचे देखे ना कोहि ।
जो एकबार नीचे देखे सबसे महान हो ऒहि ।।
This means everybody looks above them thinking themselves as a god. They can do anything and have the power to make and destruct the world and rule nature. We can take the example of mass destruction in Libya, Syria, Palestine and many more countries in Africa. In the name of power and prosperity, innocent life has been sacrificed. More than half of species are on the brink of extinction and the lifeline things like water, the air is almost unusable to take indirectly as it comes from nature. This is not because people need to do so but only to become a winner in the race of development and selfish.
The second line resembles the situation we are facing today. We have a lot more caves, structures, hospitals, hotels, and villa but poor immunity on ourselves. Working day and night to raise taller and safer standard we forgot to make ourself. We went higher and created the space for the below us though the taller are only our ambition not our foot.
We have a border, we are not a living thing but more clearly identified by race, culture, religions, and gender however we still have love and pray for any loss of life in any part of the world. So this power of thought should be turned into common unity. Science and technology are for mankind and should be for a better and healthier life not for superiority.
Be safe, be healthy. Darkness is the only truth in this universe. for the light, you have to burn yourself and that the responsibility which we often term as (कर्म ).