Communication between the components using the EventBus in android

EventBus is widely used light weight and easy to integrate third party support library for communication between the different components in the android. It provides annotation based API which makes the code readable and easy to use.
To add the EventBus in project inside project -> app -> build.gradle add the following dependencies and sync
implementation 'org.greenrobot:eventbus:<latest version>'
Next Lets make the POJO class to make things easier
public class ProductEvent {
public String ProductName;
public ProductEvent(String productItem) {
this.productItem = productItem;
Add the subscribe method to tell the EventBus to trigger. This the function that will get called by Eventbus to perform a task.
public void onProductItemAdd(ProductEvent productEvent){
// your logic here
Register the event bus in the activity
protected void onStart() {
if (!EventBus.getDefault().isRegistered(this))
protected void onDestroy() {
Now finally to create the event to post the data, this will invoke the method anotonated by subscribe.
public void addProductToCart(View view) {
EventBus.getDefault().post(new ProductEvent("new Cart Item"));
Thats all, This simplifies the process of broadcast receiver with easy steps.